Hammock Man

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Happy Happy Birthday!

Today is Mom's birthday. Happy Birthday, Mom!!!! Michael and I baked her a yellow cake and we all gave her a digital picture frame. The frame is really interesting, just plug in a memory card or other digital storage device and the frame cycles through the pictures or video clips. I would tell you how old Mom is, but I'll let her tell it instead (and I'm not exactly sure how old she is myself). Yesterday night I couldn't sleep so I came down stairs and made this picture on Microsoft paint. I have seen some cool drawings on the Internet that had been made on paint(example-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uk2sPl_Z7ZU)so I wanted to give it a try. Oh, I almost forgot...we got 2 new rabbits, Cricket(male with black fur) and Brownie(female with brown fur). Now our original rabbit Miss Bunny has company.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Sad News

We have been having problems with our Internet for a few weeks which accounts for my lack of blogging. No, that wasn't the sad news. The sad news is that Michael's cat Boots is dead. It is a mystery as to how she died, since we found her lying on the side walk dead one morning with no apparent injuries. Charity and I were heading off to work (later I will digress on my wonderful new job) and we saw her lying there. Boots looked peacefully asleep, I guess we should have wondered why she didn't wake up when we drove by. We'll miss you Boots!