Hammock Man

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Sorry, that I haven't been blogging for while. The main reason being that nothing interesting has happened. Now,however, I have something to write about. A few hours ago I finished Terry Pratchett's new Book, Making Money, and as to be expected it was great. The story line is different from the last Moist Von Lipwig book while still being just as multilayered as
his other books which is amazing for an author to be able to do. My favorite book by Terry Pratchett is still Night Watch but Making Money is good too.
Here is the American cover for those interested.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Tent Over Airplane Continued...

Today (yesterday actually) I helped take down the tent that was set up three months ago over the navy plane. It was a lot easier to get the plane out then it was to put it in. Charity didn't feel like getting up at 6:30 in the morning so she didn't come. Stan's nephew Alex Nykamp (who went to bed at four in the morning after returning from a Twins game) came though so we still had 4 people to help. Stan, Dad, Alex, and I along with the help of the owner of the plane and his expert Canadian airplane mechanic helped us manuver the airplane in to the open. After that the rest was easy. While we were dissassembling the tent we got to see the mechanic trying out the newly fixed engine. It turns out that the plane was built in the fifties after world War II instead of during world war II as I had previously stated. These types of planes were used as training planes before pilots would fly jets. Then during the Vietnam war they were fitted to drop bombs. The smoke smudges on the side of the plane had been cleaned off, so it was nice to see the plane again in working order.