Hammock Man

Monday, December 17, 2007

Winter Beauty

This fall a litter of kittens was born by our house. As of now only two of them survived. If you read Rebecca's blog you will know that a stray dog ended up at our house. Well, this dog was a little too rough and killed one of the little kittens and hurt Spooks' leg. The dog is gone now so I think that the other two will survive through the winter. One kitten has long splotchy brownish fur and is still a little wild. We named that one Wolfman-Dan (after a radio anouncer[don't ask]). The other one that survived is a mousy striped grey kitten named Pip-Squeak. If I can get the video to work, I have a short clip of his squeaky meow.

The rest of the pictures are from the ice storm we had resently. The sheets of ice that covered the ground wre dangerous to walk on, but the ice made everything beautiful.