Hammock Man

Friday, January 25, 2008

Yay Blogging!

Hello everyone!
Thank you for your Haiku's.

We recently got a new computer and monitor because our old one crashed. I only get to use it on the weekends, but its very cool. Buyt itas hjardf tyo typeo on rthre keyboasrd.
This semester, my classes are very interesting. I think the one that will be funnest, hardest, and most educational at the same time will be photography. Finally I will be able to figure out what all those knobs and dials are on those manual cameras. We even get to develop our own pictures from black and white film. If any one wants me to take their picture, just let me know.
I don't have any really resent pictures, so here are some of my new favorite catten, pip-squeak, and for some reason the illustious hero of song and joke, Mitch the Midget.

By the way, Mitch, we should write our own story.