Hammock Man

Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Big Surprise

If you have read Charity's blog you would already know what the big surprise is. For those of you who don't know, or don't trust Charity's posts, here goes.

Well...it was a dark and stormy night!...wait...Ahem!

Well first off, it wasn't really a surprise. Rebecca did know that something was going to happen. She just had the impression that we were going somewhere. As Charity mentioned, she unintentionally discovered that she had to cancel her plans for this weekend, but she didn't know why.

Since her friends were coming late we stalled before leaving on our "trip". I think by this time she was getting suspicious. Things unraveled even quicker when Rebecca's friends called because they had gotten stuck on a level B dirt road near by and needed help to get out. "So who got stuck?" Rebecca asked. Charity and Dad both answered in unison. "Eugene,"said Charity,"Mark somebody," was Dad's reply. There was no point pretending anymore so Dad and us girls piled in the pick up with a chain and tow rope.

When we got to the dirt road we saw what most farmers know this time of year, if went down that road we were going to get stuck, even with our 4 wheel drive pick up. So we left Charity and Rebecca to walk to the Stuck Wisconsinites and Dad and I drove to get Dad's tractor. By this time it was dark out so when we finally reached the stranded van it was a good thing that the tractor had flood lights.

Rebecca's friends and their parents who came along were pretty embarrassed about getting stuck, but their visit wouldn't have been the same if they hadn't. Besides, they're not the only people to get stuck on that road.

Anyway...Rebecca's friends left this morning, and I think they had a good time. Rebecca showed them around our farm and Sioux Center, but if you want to know the specifics, Rebecca will probably write about them later.