Hammock Man

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Cats Redoux

The following is a photo compilation of most of our tame cats. Not pictured are the Jebadies (Jet and Ebony) and Wolfman-Dan because they are still wild. Also Ashley isn't pictured, but that's because I don't have good picture of him.

Here are our Head-Cats, Squeaks and Tiger. We also have a tom cat, Ashley, but he isn't very photogenic. These three cats make quite a ruckus outside at night with their fights.

Here are the new mom Houdini and the soon to be mom Sweet-pea. These are our only tame girl cats. The Jebadies and Wolfman are girls but they're very skittish. Maybe next time I take their pictures they will be tame.

Here are our Scardy-cats Pip-squeak and Spooks. They are both tame but Pip is still a young cat and Spooks is often picked on by the Head-cats. They are the most well behaved of our cats, mostly because they don't attack or jump on us.

This is the litter of one of the Jebadies. The grey on is named Bandit and the splotchy one is named Sparta. The two black ones we might trade of give away even though they are very nice kits.

These are Houdi's kittens Pepper (grey) and Angel (black). Since there are only the two of them they are very well fed. There was originally a orange one too, but it died when it was born because it was very cold that day.

Here is the litter of the other Jebadie. Right now they look like bedraggled rodents, but that's only because they are very new. We haven't named the black-splotchy cats or the striped one, but the white one is named Spike.