Hammock Man

Monday, June 25, 2007

The Newbies

Boots: Thusly named because of her four white paws, Boots is the smallest of all the kittens. She is incredibly cute of course and has astonishingly blue eyes, for now. All of the trio had blue eyes at first but they eventually changed. Boots has a white throat and paws, big ears, grey and black stripes, and a small white mark on her nose.

Houdini: Houdini is an escape artist. While being transported to our farm a tool box was required to hold the lid of her box down. This Kitten has a brand of cute all her own. With those sad golden(previously blue)eyes and bend tipped ears it is hard not to pick her up. Houdini is grey and black striped with rusty colored splotches, and the M-shape on her forehead is half orange and half black instead of all black like the others.


Itchellmeh said...

hey sarah!
you made taking pictures of cats and posting them look easy so i tried it. BAD DECISION!!! it took me practically the whole day! of course, that was with a LOT more kittens. o well. now i have the memories!

Sarah said...

Ah, yours looks good too.
The formating takes a bit to get used to doesn't it.

Itchellmeh said...

ya. and the fact that our computer is 100 times slower than your downloading pictures DEFINATELY doesn't help

Charity said...

I deffinitly agree with you about Houdini!

Sarah said...

Thanks Charity

Unknown said...

CUTE!!! I want them!