Hammock Man

Friday, August 31, 2007

School has Started

As many of you know, I have switched majors. I am now at Dordt College for Graphic Design. I really like the change it's more enjoyable and I think I'm better at it.
My first class of the week is Ancient and Medieval art history with professor Sheesley from 8:00-8:50am. Professor Sheesley is new to Dordt and our class was his first class of his new job. I hope we didn't scare him to much. He is fairly young and I think he was a bit nervous, but he's a good teacher. Right now in his class we are learning about the art of the ancient near east and preparing for a group presentation. My group is doing our presentation on the Egyptian book of the dead.
Half way through this semester I will start my HPER class(PE)that goes from 10:00-10:50am, but that doesn't start until next month.
Next is my graphic design class with Professor Versluis from 11:00-11:50am. Professor Versluis is my new advisor and is graphic designer when he's not teaching. He has grey hair and beard and really enjoys his job. In his class we are learning how to use Adobe Illustrator. I had a class in high school where I learned how to use Illustrator, but it's a good review. We also are learning about the history of graphic design, and I still need to pick a graphic designer to write a paper about.
My last class of the day on MWF is Psychology with Professor Hitchcock at 12:00-12:50. Professor Hitchcock is really passionate about what he believes. He has a soft voice, but he is always very serious and firm about what he says. Right now we are just beginning, reading the textbook intros and such, but soon I have to watch the movie My Fair Lady(which is 3 hours long) and then write and identity paper of sorts on it.
On Tuesday and Thursday the first class I have is Drawing at 9:25am. I think this will be my favorite class. Professor Van Wyk is the instructor and makes a lot of prints, drawings, a pottery creations. His youngest daughter is going to get married soon and in his spare time he is building a barn. You can tell that he loves what he does and does everything the best he can. In his class we have to draw about 1-2 sketches per week out of class along with the projects in class. Right now we are taking negative space sketches that we did and transforming them in to abstract drawings that emphasize either the positive or negative space.
Next I have English with Professor De Smith at 11:40-1:00. Professor De Smith has red hair and a daughter, Rachel, who is in my grade. For his class we are reading The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis and discussing it in class. Professor De Smith really enjoys digging into the things we read and the ideas they raise. I really like this class because I really like to read.
The last class of the day is Philosophy with Professor Tazelaar from 1:35-2:55. Professor Tazelaar has a short grey beard, grey flecked brown hair pulled back in a pony tail, and likes to wear ties with famous art works on them. He is really smart and even though he talks fast he crams a lot of information into what he says. He is very interesting to listen to but if you space out for a moment you might miss something. Right now we are just starting off, like Psychology, doing the readings and such and discussing them in class.
Well, this is becoming a long post, so I'd better give some one else a chance to be on the computer. I'll write more posts later.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Stuff Broke

It started off as a regular day mowing the lawn, until suddenly a giant monkey race a cross the lawn! The presumptuous primate jumped on handles of the mower and steered me into a hole in the ditch!!
Picture of monkey an the left...um...wait a minute...

...Actually I was carefully trying to mow around <-- this random hole in the ditch and turned to sharply. The mower was stuck so well that we had to use the pickup and some rope to pull it out. In the end no one was hurt...

...The muffler broke though.

Other than that this week has been pretty uneventful. Charity, Rebecca, James, and Michael all started school already. I have to wait until Wednesday.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Nama Tamago Ga Sukijyanai (I don't like raw eggs)

First off, for those of you I don't know, I work at We-3-Egg, or the world's foremost egg procurement and shipping farm. Ok, just kidding about the last part. In reality We-3-Egg packs eggs that come from the almost 1 million chickens in its 6 ginormous barns. Since chickens lay eggs all day long, the main goal is to keep the flow of eggs in check so the barns won't overflow. The things I do at work range from washing light bulbs to learning Japanese sentences from Charity. Charity and I are basically handy-women. Most days we pull out dead chickens from the barns and then do some random chores afterwards. Other days we pack eggs onto pallets, lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of eggs. If you have read Charity's blog you will see that I agree with her when I say that packing raw eggs is harder than barn duty. You can work the barns at your own pace, but when you pack eggs you have to work at the egg's pace.