Hammock Man

Monday, August 6, 2007

Nama Tamago Ga Sukijyanai (I don't like raw eggs)

First off, for those of you I don't know, I work at We-3-Egg, or the world's foremost egg procurement and shipping farm. Ok, just kidding about the last part. In reality We-3-Egg packs eggs that come from the almost 1 million chickens in its 6 ginormous barns. Since chickens lay eggs all day long, the main goal is to keep the flow of eggs in check so the barns won't overflow. The things I do at work range from washing light bulbs to learning Japanese sentences from Charity. Charity and I are basically handy-women. Most days we pull out dead chickens from the barns and then do some random chores afterwards. Other days we pack eggs onto pallets, lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of eggs. If you have read Charity's blog you will see that I agree with her when I say that packing raw eggs is harder than barn duty. You can work the barns at your own pace, but when you pack eggs you have to work at the egg's pace.

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