Hammock Man

Friday, January 25, 2008

Yay Blogging!

Hello everyone!
Thank you for your Haiku's.

We recently got a new computer and monitor because our old one crashed. I only get to use it on the weekends, but its very cool. Buyt itas hjardf tyo typeo on rthre keyboasrd.
This semester, my classes are very interesting. I think the one that will be funnest, hardest, and most educational at the same time will be photography. Finally I will be able to figure out what all those knobs and dials are on those manual cameras. We even get to develop our own pictures from black and white film. If any one wants me to take their picture, just let me know.
I don't have any really resent pictures, so here are some of my new favorite catten, pip-squeak, and for some reason the illustious hero of song and joke, Mitch the Midget.

By the way, Mitch, we should write our own story.


Itchellmeh said...

You can't forget... I'm also - THE LORD OF DANCE (click, click)!

Becka said...

What, no Wolf-Man Dan!? Sarah!

Sarah said...

sorry, but Wolf-man is faster than a speading cammera!

Itchellmeh said...

Wolf-Man Dan?

Charity said...

Wolf-Man Dan is another one of our cats. And the new keyboard is standard issue and not hard to type on.

Itchellmeh said...

nice name! we might have to steal that name and use it for Dan in 'Mitch the Midget'.

Sarah said...


Charity said...

You find time to comment, but not to blog. Hmm...

Charity said...

You must blog every Tuesday and Thursday, and also once a weekend. I command you.

Charity said...

It says something when you only can have 7 posts on your main page and one of them is from August... That's 6 months ago!

Itchellmeh said...

WOW!! THAT'S A LONG TIME!!! :0 Me and Charity BOTH command you to post!!!

Charity said...

When cheese gets it's picture taken, what does it say?

Charity said...

If I write one more
Haiku will you please blog more
Often than normal?

Itchellmeh said...


Hows that? you should post!

Itchellmeh said...

I am really bored
Whatever shall Mitchell do?
Write on Sarah's blog?

that's a good one

Itchellmeh said...

sarah never posts!
this upsets mitch the midget!
he doesn't like it!


Itchellmeh said...

Mitch the Midget Posts
So does Charity (sometimes)
But never Sarah!

You must post.

Itchellmeh said...

Wow these are easy!
I'm getting good at haikus
Look at me go

If I'm forced to write another haiku, i'll explode!

Itchellmeh said...

I must have no life.
I keep writing on this post
And in haikus too!

That one came from the heart.

Itchellmeh said...

It's been a long time.
I must comment QUICK before...
What happened to me?

I was feeling in a wacky mood.

Itchellmeh said...

2 sayings for you.
Tell him I'm busy.

Random thought.

Itchellmeh said...

Rebecca tells me
you lost squeaks... THAT IS NOT GOOD!
You'll have to change your...

blog name!!

Charity said...

A month has it been
Since Sarah has last posted
I'm going insane

Charity said...

I have decided
That all comments on this blog
Must be in Haiku

Charity said...

Mitch seems to get it
Haikus are fun to write when
You are very bored.

Charity said...

Haiku Haiku Hi!
Haiku Haiku Haiku Ho!

Becka said...

Keep up the nice work
On the Haiku poetry
It's interesting

Itchellmeh said...

Thanks ever so much Becca!
This is getting old


Itchellmeh said...

Who's gonna stop us?
Mitch the Midget ROCKS

giggle giggle

Itchellmeh said...

O my goodness guys
This is our seventeenth poem
We are doing good.

gets easier and easier every time

Itchellmeh said...

what do u think C?
I dont think sarah checks blogs
she never really posts

... or comments

Itchellmeh said...

Dear Sarah Hooyer,
Why cannot you post for us?
We all need you bad!

Itchellmeh said...

that is wrong, its istanbul!
get it right next time

Itchellmeh said...

Ok Charity,
we must be REALLY bored then
to write all these poems

say 'poems' really quick

Itchellmeh said...

Wow! lots of comments!
this is the thirty-fifth one!
most of them are me.

Janet said...

A birthday gift for Becca
Could be a new post
We all benefit as we type the most.

Itchellmeh said...

Wait, 5 for first line?
Then 7, am I correct?
then 5 again, right?


Itchellmeh said...

Good idea though!
A new post would be real nice.
like it, we would all!

that's right, i just went yoda on you!

Itchellmeh said...

Easter is coming
Will Sarah post before then?
The world may not know

Itchellmeh said...

Easter in 1 week!
When will Sarah ever post?
Maybe she has died!

O NO!!!!

Itchellmeh said...

Wait... what if she DID!
O my goodness! She might have!
Some one go save her!


Itchellmeh said...

Sarah has left us
For a reptilian snake!
O the shame of it!