Hammock Man

Friday, June 22, 2007

The Original Trio

Squeaks AKA Stripes:
As well as being my cat and the name of my blog, Squeaks is the cutest of all the kittens. He was defaulted to me when Charity and Rebecca chose Tiger and Sweet Pea. Squeaks isn't a real people cat but he is a good cat cat. At first Squeaks would squeak a lot when he was held and was so named. He reminds me a lot of a striped cat we once had named Stripes, so occasionally I call him that. He is a typical grey and black striped kitten with golden eyes(previously blue), a M shape on his forehead, and all black pads on his paws.
Tiger formerly known as Teddy:
Tiger is the friendliest and nicest cat of all our cats. He was named Teddy at first but his unique(to our cats at least) orange color prompted a name change. Tiger's claim to fame is that he enjoys jumping on people's shoulders when they are sitting on the ground. He has white and orange stripes, hazel(once teal blue) eyes, and pink pads on her paws.
Sweet Pea, Cutie Pie, etc... :
Sweet Pea is the sweetest of our cats. She really enjoys being petted. She is growing into a fine cat, but is usually always the first of all of the kittens to curl up in your lap and fall asleep purring. Sweet Pea has grey and black stripes with patches of orangish fur, eyes the same color as Squeaks, with three paws with black pads, and one paw with pink pads. Basically Sweet pea is who you would get if you merged Tiger and Squeaks.


Charity said...

In my unbiased opinion, Tiger is the cutest.

Itchellmeh said...

oh there's no competition! Squeeks is the cutest of the three.

Itchellmeh said...

i spelled squeaks wrong! it's Squeaks not Squeeks. sorry Sarah.

Sarah said...

Why thank you Mitchell. I agree that Squeaks is the cutest.
even though sqeaks is a word not oft spelled.

Itchellmeh said...

well sooooooooooooooooooorry!
its naught mi fault i spel things rong! i cant hellp it!

Becka said...

My vote is for Sweet Pea. She has the most charming personality and is showing great promise of being a hunter. She is also the best looking.

Itchellmeh said...

We'll settle this later:(