Hammock Man

Thursday, June 21, 2007

A Fresh Start

Well, here goes my first attempt at blogging. I can not guarantee that this entry will be very entertaining, or even correctly spelled, but I'll try. This week has been very eventful so far. On Tuesday dad, Charity, a guy named Stan, and I set up a giant 60 x 60 (feet of course!) tent to cover a plane so it could be fixed in relative shelter. OK, I simplified the process a bit, but it worked in the end. The airplane in question was very fascinating, it was a refurbished WWII navy sea plane of some kind. The pilot had made an emergency landing in Sioux City and its snappy new blue paint job was melted of in places where smoke had escaped from the engine.

Yesterday Mom, Charity (again), Aunt Brenda, my cousin Heather and Holly, and I picked Strawberries. So after much camaraderie and sore backs copious amounts of jelly were made. Midway through making this jelly we discovered, via my Grandma Sandbulte, that we really didn't need to be boiling the sugar gelatin mixture after all and in fact the a stove wasn't even necessary.

Today James and Michael each got a kitten. Charity, Rebeecca, and I already had some that were slightly bigger, but the new kittens seemed to get on well with the others. Later I think I'll do a section on them.


Charity said...

Your comment about how our backs hurt- you forgot about all of us (cough me cough)who have bad knees!

Loren&Jolene said...

The plane was cool. It took alot of hard work to get it positioned under the tent.