Hammock Man

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Happy Happy Birthday!

Today is Mom's birthday. Happy Birthday, Mom!!!! Michael and I baked her a yellow cake and we all gave her a digital picture frame. The frame is really interesting, just plug in a memory card or other digital storage device and the frame cycles through the pictures or video clips. I would tell you how old Mom is, but I'll let her tell it instead (and I'm not exactly sure how old she is myself). Yesterday night I couldn't sleep so I came down stairs and made this picture on Microsoft paint. I have seen some cool drawings on the Internet that had been made on paint(example-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uk2sPl_Z7ZU)so I wanted to give it a try. Oh, I almost forgot...we got 2 new rabbits, Cricket(male with black fur) and Brownie(female with brown fur). Now our original rabbit Miss Bunny has company.


Itchellmeh said...

very nice picture! i can somewhat free hand draw, but i could never draw a thing on paint.

Hannah said...

whoa! funky picture. You would have a lot of fun with a graphics tablet (you draw on it and it goes into your computer). Come visit us and you can try ours!