Hammock Man

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Sad News

We have been having problems with our Internet for a few weeks which accounts for my lack of blogging. No, that wasn't the sad news. The sad news is that Michael's cat Boots is dead. It is a mystery as to how she died, since we found her lying on the side walk dead one morning with no apparent injuries. Charity and I were heading off to work (later I will digress on my wonderful new job) and we saw her lying there. Boots looked peacefully asleep, I guess we should have wondered why she didn't wake up when we drove by. We'll miss you Boots!


Charity said...

R.I.P. Boots

Itchellmeh said...

if it helps michael, i thought boots was the cutest kitten. it's just too bad he liked to play by cars.

Itchellmeh said...

at least boots was very very photogenic. now we have a good way to remember him. by the way, congrats on the new bunnies. i'll have to come and see them sometime.

Sarah said...

sounds good