Hammock Man

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Stuff Broke

It started off as a regular day mowing the lawn, until suddenly a giant monkey race a cross the lawn! The presumptuous primate jumped on handles of the mower and steered me into a hole in the ditch!!
Picture of monkey an the left...um...wait a minute...

...Actually I was carefully trying to mow around <-- this random hole in the ditch and turned to sharply. The mower was stuck so well that we had to use the pickup and some rope to pull it out. In the end no one was hurt...

...The muffler broke though.

Other than that this week has been pretty uneventful. Charity, Rebecca, James, and Michael all started school already. I have to wait until Wednesday.


Charity said...

Tell Mike cats are'net allowed in the house! What's the third picture? The lawnmower? (I'm still waiting to hear that story...)

Itchellmeh said...

sounds like fun!.... well, maybe not for some people. i did the same exact thing except that nothing was broken. that hole was irritating me. it had what was coming to it

Janet said...

I did it, thanks to your help I now have everyones blogs listed. Glad to know someone reads my blogs, and actually comments too.:) It's a great way to keep up with all of you.

Sarah said...

Glad to help.
Yeah, since we live so far away it's nice to see what everyone's up to.

Sarah said...

to mitchell,
Your right, something has to be done about that hole. I suggest you sneak over in the middle of the night, fill it in, and plant petunias in it.

Becka said...

The hole did diserve it. Way to go to capture the picture of the monkey.

Janet said...

Help!!! How do I get the Hammer symbols off my blog page? DO you know how? I appreciate you helping this old lady out :)Don't worry about a muffler it can be replaced I was glad to hear you didn't get hurt. Aunt Janet

Janet said...

Sarah, the Hammer symbols are gone.Thanks anyway.

Anonymous said...

Ok, Ok I gotta know. Is the "favorite cousin" Mitchell? I guess that means that I have to have my name be "the favorite aunt"...Sorry Janet, no offense, but I live close enough to beat all those little nieces and nephew us if they don't agree with me : )
- favorite aunt Sarah

Sarah said...

Hi Sarah!
yup, the favorite cousin is Mitchell..
You can be the favorite aunt if you want, it's better than big Sarah =)

Itchellmeh said...

by the way, if you've recently looked at my blog, i've got proof of the evil monkeys at the scene of the crime. well, not the scene of the crime, but i still got a photo