Hammock Man

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Today we prepared for getting some ponys by setting up a fence...an electric fence. It was fun. First Dad mowed a path throught the tall grass where the fence was to go. Then Dad, the Boys, and I pushed in electric fence poles. Next Dad, Charity, James, and Michael put the shock rope (rope with very thin metal wires woven through) on the poles while I chopped up stray grass that was touching the rope with a machete. When that was done we hooked up the fence to electricity.

In these pictures James, Dad, and Michael are putting up electric fence holders.

Here Michael is testing the electric fence...yup, guess it works...and Charity is taking a music break.

Don't worry, Michael didn't really test the fence that way. But we did test it (see video). That zapping sound means it works. We had lots of fun with electricity and machetes today. Bwahahaha!
We still need to fix up a few things in the shed and get a water tank before we'll get any ponys. For now though we have a good pasture for them.


Charity said...

It's amazing. The more people told me how much it would hurt to touch the fence, the more I HAD to touch it! And then they turned of the electricity before I could.

Sarah said...

haha...you should put on the video of you almost touching the fence.