Hammock Man

Sunday, July 6, 2008


This post I'm going to try bigger pictures. Comment on whether you like it or not. Today's topic is of course about our annual shoot-um-up...of fireworks that is. Here are some of the participants...

"Bond, James Bond!"

Sarah(me), "Light the fuse and run!"

Munitions Specialist, Charity,"Fire in the hole!!"

Mom, James, Heather, Derek, Sarah(me), and Charity. "It ain't done till its burned to a crisp,"

Anika, "I need more ammo!"

As always the 4th of July was really fun. No one was hurt...badly...and what can go better together then food, family, and controlled explosions?


Becka said...

uomhc! Nothing. the forth of July is the best (other than christmas)! I'm glad you got the job! have fun with it.

Sarah said...

have fun in europe!

Itchellmeh said...

Hope we (my mom and me) see you at your new job!

Unknown said...

haha I like the pictures :)
and you are right, what could be better? Especially since there was fruit by the foot -- what an exotic picnic food... great stuff

Sarah said...

yeah, the 4th is always an adventure.
If your guys are ever in Fareway I might see you.

Hannah said...

Wow. I'm glad that we replace the "controlled explosions" with bowling at Christmas- it reduces the overall chance of someone being seriously injured. Although bowling can be dangerous too, now that I think about it.

Sarah said...

true, true