Hammock Man

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

This blog is out of date

This blog is out of date!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What Could Possisbly Happen in 3 Months?

Nothing much is the answer.

I am buisy at shcool and work part time at fareway. That is also what I've been doing for all the time I've not been blogging.

Any way...on to more interesting things...I've decided to give this drawing on the computer thing a try. Hammock Man was one of my first ones. Please comment and tell me what you think. Also if you have any other good ideas of what I should draw just let me know.

Did you know that it is very hard to draw with a mouse?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


With Rie visiting we decided to go to some fun places with her.

On Monday we woke up (some of us anyway) bright and early rode to the Omaha Zoo. We borrowed Aunt Sarah's van so we had lots of leg room.

When we got to the zoo not all of the animals were in cages. Some animals had been turned in to statues and others had escaped before the cage makers discovered that a tall fences couldn't hold butterflies.

After escaping the angry hippo we got lost in the desert (but we were happy as you can see)

The butterfly house and the shark tank were very nice too.

Even the landscaping had animals in it.

It was a jungle out there and James and Michael were each adopted by different animals.

We call James Lizardman now and Michael is called Rrrrrooorgh (or Simba in Lion-speak).

After feeding the fish (and monkeys) we started to get tired. Until...

...we had to rescue Dudley Doright and Snidely Whiplash from the Clutches of the evil tour guide Nell Fenwick who had tied them to the tour train tracks.

Then we went home.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Rie is Here!

Yay! Rie is here!

After an exciting ride to Sioux Falls...

We waited for Rie at the Airport.

Ok, ok, we really didn't wait that long...When Rie got off the plane we greeted her with our sign.

Rie was tired so after mom got off of work at the hospital we ate dinner at Chiles and headed home.
We hope that Rie has a fun time with us, but right now she needs to sleep.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Today we prepared for getting some ponys by setting up a fence...an electric fence. It was fun. First Dad mowed a path throught the tall grass where the fence was to go. Then Dad, the Boys, and I pushed in electric fence poles. Next Dad, Charity, James, and Michael put the shock rope (rope with very thin metal wires woven through) on the poles while I chopped up stray grass that was touching the rope with a machete. When that was done we hooked up the fence to electricity.

In these pictures James, Dad, and Michael are putting up electric fence holders.

Here Michael is testing the electric fence...yup, guess it works...and Charity is taking a music break.

Don't worry, Michael didn't really test the fence that way. But we did test it (see video). That zapping sound means it works. We had lots of fun with electricity and machetes today. Bwahahaha!
We still need to fix up a few things in the shed and get a water tank before we'll get any ponys. For now though we have a good pasture for them.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


This post I'm going to try bigger pictures. Comment on whether you like it or not. Today's topic is of course about our annual shoot-um-up...of fireworks that is. Here are some of the participants...

"Bond, James Bond!"

Sarah(me), "Light the fuse and run!"

Munitions Specialist, Charity,"Fire in the hole!!"

Mom, James, Heather, Derek, Sarah(me), and Charity. "It ain't done till its burned to a crisp,"

Anika, "I need more ammo!"

As always the 4th of July was really fun. No one was hurt...badly...and what can go better together then food, family, and controlled explosions?