Hammock Man

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Day 5 : Pandemoneum! (or the Program)

Well this is a little late but, oh well. We got out early to day (5 days ago) after much cleaning and the petting zoo, and the horse rides, and playing operation, and the slushies, and the tavern with chips and pop, and do you think this sentence could be any longer?

Then at the program we signed every ones shirts and sang our songs to the parents. The program was really fun, we were more efficient than other years I think (Good job Judy!) and Helen VV signed my VBS shirt! Yay!!

Oh...and here's some pictures of the weather of VBS.

I love the clouds.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

The rumor I've heard is that there was a fist fight between some small-ish relatives of ours preceding (or during?) the program.