Hammock Man

Thursday, June 26, 2008

A Post for Post's Sake

Nothing much has transpired since my last post. I did bale hay with Al, Cal, And Randi, which was fun though.
For those of yu who don't know, my uncles Al and Cal have one of the few working small square balers. A few times every summer they bale their hay feild. What happens is first they cut the tall grass and let it dry. Then they hook up the baler to the tractor and a big hay wagon to the baler. This time Al drove (and then Randi when she came), and Cal and I were on the hay wagon. Our job on the wagon is to stack the bales so when it gets to be 6 or 8 layers high it won't tip over. Oh, and a tip...wear long sleeves and jeans because otherwise the dry straw scratches up the skin on your arms and legs. In the end we got 3 really full wagons filled and some straw scratches.
Other then that I've been to some of Becka's softball games which are fun to watch, especially if Becka is playing.


Loren&Jolene said...

I always liked baling. It might be hot and sweaty, but you could always see immediate results.

Charity said...

Was Al up to helping on the hay wagon?

You should have told me: I could have came for a few hours that day. I haven't gone baling in the longest time!

Itchellmeh said...

I haven't either... actually, I've never gone bailing. Well, it's nice to know youre still alive.