Hammock Man

Friday, June 13, 2008

Ain't Misbehavin'

Here are some pictures from the Vanderlugt Reunion. I keep asking myself..."Self, are you really related to these rambunctious rapscallions?..."

...Yup, guess so. (Featured relatives clockwise from top left: Ethan, Isaac, random head, Dillon, Michael, Derek, and Derek)


Itchellmeh said...

... ok, well, i LOVE your picture of Squeaks at the top! Also, I was curious, so I looked up the word rapscallious, and it IS a word! Nice vocab!
Thank you again for blogging;)

Sarah said...

is it just me or did I have to delete lots of spam comments this time?

Sarah said...

So how goes the cattle prodding?

Janet said...

"Self, just be glad those 3 rapscallions from Kansas didn't make it to this reunion but prepare "self" for the Hooyer reunion over the 4th", when they will be here". So happy when I click on you Iowans blogs and there's a new post to read. Highlight of my day. :) Love it when there's pictures, too. C U SOON.

Janet said...

I goofed!!! The Hooyer reunion was last weekend (we missed it) and the Vander Lugt is July 5th (hope to be there).

Sarah said...

Hope to see you there. Be prepared for tons of fun...bwahahaha!
Just kidding...It'll be good to see you guys again.

Charity said...

I like your top banner. Squeaks is almost as cute as Tiger.

Charity said...

BTW, that 'random head' is Derek.