Hammock Man

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Free Kittens! (Well, some of them anyway)

We have a whole bunch of kittens this summer. If you know anyone who wants a kitten they should talk to us. Not all of them we are willing to give away though. They are all really nice cats, but if we keep them all our farm will be wall to wall in cat carpet.

Skitter and Handsome : Both of these kittens are up for grabs. Skitter is a very friendly all black cat, but does enjoy climbing up the nearest available pant leg. Handsome is splotchy all over in an interesting non-pattern and is also very friendly.

Hector and Andrew : Hector is very cute and stripey but is Rebecca's kitten so is probably not for sale. Andrew is splotchy with distinguishing splotches on his face. He is very nice and is for the taking.

Lassy and Bandit : Lassy looks like Skitter except she has a white neck spot and doesn't climb up your leg. She is also free for the taking and very nice. Bandit is Charity's very nice kitten and is a patchy grey.

Pepper and Angel : Pepper is my kitten and is stripey grey and Angel is James' kitten and is stripey black. They are both Houdini's babys so they are very fuzzy and shy like her.

Spike and Sock : Spike has really, really long fur and is white with grey ears, feet, and tail. He is Micheals's cat and is not for sale even though he is very nice. Sock is the cutest of the three splotchy cats with a distinguishing white foot. He is for sale (or free) and is very friendly.
So there you have it. If you are in need of a kitten come to us.


Charity said...

Your picture of Bandit doesn't do him justice. He is the cutest of the new kitties!

Anonymous said...

you'd better put a cuter picture of him on your blog then.

pdog81 said...

Hey...do you still have free kitty available?? I would love to give my daughter one for Christmas. They are all so adorable :) if you could email me, that would be wonderful.

Thank you!!